In this article, we will discuss the importance of securing your home while you are away for travel. You will learn valuable tips and tricks that can help protect your home from potential break-ins or accidents. We will provide you with practical advice on securing your doors, windows, and valuables, as well as how to give the illusion of an occupied home. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to ensure the safety of your home while you are on the move.

Safety On The Move: Tips For Travelers To Secure Their Homes


Traveling is an exciting experience that allows you to explore new places and create unforgettable memories. However, while you are away, it is crucial to ensure the safety and security of your home. Protecting your property from potential threats can provide peace of mind and allow you to fully enjoy your vacation. In this article, we will discuss various measures you can take to secure your home while you are traveling.


Importance of home security while traveling

When you leave your home unattended for an extended period, it becomes more vulnerable to break-ins and burglaries. Criminals often target houses that appear unoccupied, taking advantage of the absence of homeowners. By implementing proper security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime. Additionally, ensuring the safety of your home will not only protect your belongings but also prevent potential property damage.

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Choosing a Reliable Security System

Before you embark on your journey, it is important to research different security system providers. Look for reliable companies with a good reputation in the market. Consider their features and technology offerings, ensuring they meet your specific security needs. Additionally, installation and monitoring services are crucial factors to consider. Professional installation and round-the-clock monitoring can provide an extra layer of protection and peace of mind.

Consider Having a House Sitter

Having a house sitter while you travel offers a wide variety of benefits.  At the heart of this service lies peace of mind, knowing your personal belongings are under the watchful eye of a trustworthy person.  This means your plants will continue to live, your beloved family pet will get love and be fed in the comfort of their own surroundings, and your mail wont pile up which signals an empty house.  A house sitter also acts as a potential deterrent against burglaries because of the activity in the house.  Instead of worrying about the security and state of affairs at your home, you can concentrate on whatever has brought you away, returning to a home that has been well cared for during your absence.

Safety On The Move: Tips For Travelers To Secure Their Homes

Securing Doors and Windows

Doors and windows are the primary entry points that burglars target when attempting a break-in. Strengthening door locks and hinges is essential in preventing unauthorized access. Consider upgrading to deadbolts and door reinforcements to a grade 1 or grade 2, which offer increased security. Installing window security film or laminates can make it harder for intruders to break the glass and gain entry. Another effective measure is adding window bars or grilles, which act as a physical barrier against potential break-ins.

Ensuring Outdoor Safety Measures

Beyond securing your doors and windows, it is important to focus on outdoor safety measures as well. Proper lighting around the house can deter criminals from approaching your property. Consider installing motion-sensor lights that illuminate when someone approaches. Additionally, trimming shrubs and trees that may obstruct visibility is crucial to eliminate potential hiding spots for intruders. Securing gates and fences with sturdy locks and inspecting any potential weak spots can enhance the security of your home. Implementing surveillance cameras can also provide an extra layer of protection.

Securing Valuables

Protecting your valuables should be a priority while you are away. Using a safe to store valuable belongings such as jewelry, important documents, and cash can provide added security. Ensure your safe is securely bolted to the floor or wall for maximum protection. It is also advisable to keep important documents, such as passports and insurance papers, in a secure location within your home. Consider photographing and cataloging valuable items as a record for insurance purposes. Additionally, notifying trusted neighbors or friends about your absence can help keep a watchful eye on your property.

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Home Automation and Remote Monitoring

The advancement of technology has revolutionized home security. Utilizing smart home devices allows you to control various aspects of your home remotely. From controlling lights and appliances to monitoring security systems, these devices offer convenience and peace of mind. With real-time notifications and alerts, you can stay informed about any unusual activities in or around your home while you are away. Investing in these technologies can provide an added layer of security and make it appear as if someone is present at home.

Creating the Illusion of Occupancy

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To further enhance the security of your home, it is important to create the illusion of occupancy while you are traveling. Putting lights and TVs on timers can give the impression that someone is present. Arranging for mail and package collection can help avoid an overflowing mailbox, which may signal an empty home. Asking a neighbor to park in your driveway occasionally can also create the illusion of activity. These simple measures can discourage potential burglars from targeting your home.

Securing Entry Points

Garage doors and sliding glass doors are common points of entry for burglars. Reinforcing garage doors with additional locks or mechanisms can make it harder for intruders to gain access. Securing sliding glass doors with bars or installing additional locks can prevent them from being forced open. Another effective measure is installing peepholes or door viewers, allowing you to see who is outside without compromising your safety.

Maintaining a Low Profile

In the age of social media, it is important to exercise caution when sharing travel plans online. Avoid posting updates about your travels until you return home. Broadcasting your absence on social media can make your home an easy target for criminals. Additionally, request mail and newspaper holds to prevent them from piling up, indicating an unoccupied home. Finally, avoid leaving visible signs of absence, such as closed curtains throughout your trip.


Securing your home while you are traveling is paramount to ensure the safety of your property and valuables. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can take proactive measures to create a secure environment. From choosing a reliable security system to securing doors and windows, ensuring outdoor safety measures, safeguarding valuables, utilizing home automation and remote monitoring, creating the illusion of occupancy, securing entry points, and maintaining a low profile, each step contributes to enhancing the security of your home. So, before you set off on your next adventure, take the necessary precautions to protect your home and enjoy your travels worry-free.